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Who Sings Well prays twice

For as long as I can remember, I've been writing poetry - even getting one of my most mediocre primary school verses published in the Mayor of Eastleigh's annual poetry book as the winner of the under-12 category! My time in Seminary reinforced a love of Sacred Music, and my belief in the power of music to lift the mind and move the heart to God. Some point in the last five years I began to write hymns instead of poems. At my ordination and first Mass in March 2023, I tested out some of my hymns on other people for the first time; based on the responses (before they knew I had written them) I have decided to start making my hymns more widely available on this website. All of these hymns are set to well-known traditional tunes, so that congregations should have little trouble singing them!


If you want to use any of these hymns in a parish or community context, you are free to do so provided that they are attributed to 'Fr Edward Hauschild' - for other uses please contact me.


An Angel came from God above

Hymn for the Annunciation of the Lord, set to the tune of "All Creatures of our God and King" (Lasst uns erfreuen)

Copyright: Fr Edward Hauschild (2023)


When Jesus wept o'er the tomb

Hymn for the Fifth Sunday of Lent, set to the tune of "O Sacred Head Sore Wounded" (Passion Chorale)

Copyright: Fr Edward Hauschild (2023)


O Martyred Saints (Hymn for the 44)

Hymn for the 44 Martyrs of the Venerable English College, set to "Jerusalem the Golden" (Ewing) with an Alternate verse for the feast of the English and Welsh Martyrs.

Copyright: Fr Edward Hauschild (2022)

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The Martyrs Painting

Hymn written on Martyrs' Day 2024 as a meditation on the Martyr's painting. Hymn set to the hymn tune MERLE MARIE ('These things did Thomas count as real').

Copyright: Fr Edward Hauschild (2024)


As of Old in Israel's Wand'ring

Hymn written for the Immaculate Conception of Mary (2024) - linking Mary to the Ark of the Covenant.

Copyright: Fr Edward Hauschild (2024)


Rejoice, again I say rejoice

Hymn for Gaudete Sunday drawing on the Introit Gaudete in Domino (from Philippians 4) and set to the traditional tune 'KINGSFOLD' (I heard the voice of Jesus say).

Copyright: Fr Edward Hauschild (2024)

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