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1.        An angel came from God above,

           bearing glad tidings of God’s love,

                Maranatha! Maranatha!

           Thou star who bringeth forth the Sun,

           Thou Ark of God’s anointed One!

                Queen of Heaven, help of Christians,

                Blessèd Mother, blessèd Mother, blessèd Mother!


2.        Chaste Mary asked “How can it be,

           that such a child is born to me?”

                Maranatha! Maranatha!

           Yet in obedience bowed her head,

           “let it be as my Lord hath said!”

                O most faithful, most obedient,

                Blessèd Mother, blessèd Mother, blessèd Mother!


3.        Rejoice, O thou unwedded bride!

           Rejoice, O blest one, Gabriel cried!

                Maranatha! Maranatha!

           Rejoice, to thee our hearts shall cleave!

           Rejoice, redemption of curs’d Eve!

                Seat of Wisdom, we adore thee,

                Blessèd Mother, blessèd Mother, blessèd Mother!


4.        O Heav’nly Queen, to Glory raised,

           Be with us to our dying day!

                Maranatha! Maranatha!

           Grant us to see thy Son on high,

           In sunlit lands to never die!

                Gate of heaven, we implore thee,

                Blessèd Mother, blessèd Mother, blessèd Mother!

Copyright: Fr Edward Hauschild (2023)

Tune: Lasst uns Erfreuen

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