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Serving Christ - Serving the People of God

My name is Fr Edward Hauschild, I am a Catholic Priest in the Diocese of Portsmouth, England. For the last five years I've been studying and preparing to become a Catholic Priest at the Venerable English College in Rome. As part of the programme of formation I have studied Philosophy (2017-2019, at the Dominican-run Pontifical University of St Thomas Aquinas, also called the Angelicum) and Theology (2019-2022 at the Jesuit Pontifical Gregorian University).


Last July I earned the Bachelor of Sacred Theology degree and was ordained as a Deacon by Bishop Nicholas Hudson. I have been spending the last nine months on "vocational synthesis" - a time in the diocese between ordination as a Deacon and my priestly ordination where I bring together all the various elements of priestly formation helped by an experienced priest and by the people of God in one of our Parishes.


On 25th March 2023, Bishop Philip Egan ordained me as a Priest at St John's Cathedral in Portsmouth and appointed me as Assistant Priest (Parochial Vicar) in the Catholic Parish of Jersey, where I have been serving as a Deacon.


More about me:


I was born in Poole, Dorset, in 1991 (making me 31, for those who are as bad at mental maths as I am) and grew up in Hampshire. I read Law at the University of Durham (St John's College) from 2010 to 2013, and had the privilege of serving as President of the Durham Union in my final year. I graduated with a second-class honours degree and worked for four years as an administrator and manager in the NHS, including at St Thomas' Hospital in London and at University Hospital Southampton.


In my last year at Durham, and over the four years after, I rediscovered my Catholic faith (helped along by some amazing priests, sisters, and lay Catholics) and began to feel like I was being called to serve God and His Church as a Priest. In 2017 Bishop Philip Egan accepted me as a seminarian for my home diocese of Portsmouth and sent me to study in Rome!


Over the course of my studies, I became particularly interested in Moral Theology and the study of the Church Fathers. I completed my final-year seminar on the Fathers of the Church and modern theological questions ('Patristic Synthesis of Theology' with Fr Joseph Carola SJ) and wrote my STB Thesina on the subject of the Baptismal Priesthood. It is hoped that, after a period on-assignment in the diocese, I will begin a Licentiate degree sometime in the next few years.


My other interests, outside of Churchy things, are cooking (I have an unhealthy number of Italian and French cookbooks now!), singing, sketching, painting, and reading. I am also a MAJOR dog enthusiast, and enjoy spending as much time with my parents' fox-red Labrador Benji as I possibly can!

My Testimony:

In my second year in Seminary (2019) I shot this video testimony for the College website, describing my journey towards the priesthood.

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